Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #3

Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!

  • The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST with Stop #1 at 
  • Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer/Edge).
  • There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/17 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
  • Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!

Hey everyone! I’m Kimberley Woodhouse and my fortieth published book releases this year. When I started on this author journey, I never imagined I would write that many books—let alone meet so many wonderful reader friends through the years. In that way, writing has kind of been like this scavenger hunt – filled with twists, turns, and surprises. You can learn all about the historical and contemporary suspense books I write here on my website or connect with me on Facebook or Instagram.


But today, I am THRILLED to share with you my newest suspense novel and book TWO in my Alaskan Cyber Hunter series: 8 DOWN. Here’s what it’s about:

8 bodies down. 8 more lives at stake. Investigator Carrie Kintz is new blood with the Alaska Bureau of Investigation in Anchorage. But with a serial killer on the loose, there’s no easing into the job. It’s sink or swim. The only clues to help law enforcement stop this madman are the taunts he drops into crossword puzzles across the country–always in the same 8 DOWN position.

Kind of creepy, right? I admit, coming up with the clues for the puzzles throughout the story was *almost* as difficult as figuring out ways to make this villain more over-the-top than the crazy guy in 26 Below. Wanna know a secret? If you love crossword puzzles and try to figure them out throughout the book, I put a key for all of you at the back. But don’t spoil it! Real crossword puzzle enthusiasts don’t use online tools or cheats. Do you think you can figure out all the clues?


Digging into the benefits and dangers in our technologically advanced world wouldn’t have been possible without my cyber-expert-son-in-law, MAJ Steven Whitham. The amount of time and expertise he poured into these books is a gift I will never forget. Not only did he share his unique perspective with me, but he also spent HOURS brainstorming ways that technology could be hacked and used for nefarious purposes. You really don’t want to know how many ways a person can die via computer. Just sayin’.

While the setting and the villain are chilling, I hope you enjoy this look at how technology impacts all aspects of our lives – and that our God is always bigger – no matter what man thinks he can do!

Here’s the Stop #3 Basics:

If you’re interested, you can order 8 Down on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or at your local bookstore!

For an additional prize see the rafflecopter form below!!!

Clue to Write Down: like to

Link to Stop #4, the Next Stop on the Loop: Robin Lee Hatcher’s site!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Comments 271

  1. I have not thought about ways someone could be killed via computer. I guess my mind just isn’t that nefarious. 😀

  2. I have never thought about ways to die via computer, but that is certainly an interesting (and creepy!) idea! Hmm, now I will have to read this book to learn how to avoid death by computer…😄

    1. I never thought of ways a computer could kill someone. Although it is nearly the death of me since with my less than savvy tech skills.

  3. This sounds kind of creepy, but also really good! I love stories set in Alaska, so I’m excited to read this series! So different than other books I’ve read by you!

  4. No, I have never thought about how many different ways someone could be killed via computer. I’m too busy with caregiving. I leave these types of questions to authors. 🤣

  5. Hi, Kimberly! No, I have not thought about how many ways someone could be killed via computer… looking forward to reading 8 Down! Thanks for having this giveaway!

  6. Uffdah. This story synopsis has my mind spinning already. I’ve never considered how a computer could kill me. Gah! Haha!

  7. No, I haven’t thought of how many ways one could be killed via computer. It will be interesting to learn how many YOU have killed in your novels.

  8. No I never thought about how many ways you could be killed by computer.
    But I bet you could come up with plenty!

  9. Hmmm. I haven’t thought about it. But I’m pretty sure my number one would be out of frustration – technology can be irritating. But with all the AI capabilities and cyber threats I’m now scared to get upset at my desktop.

  10. 8 Down sound so good! I look forward to reading it.😁 I’ve never even thought of one way a person could be killed by computer…😳

  11. Wow. What an interesting question. I am in the middle of watching the series Person of Interest in which a supercomputer is a main character. I have not thought of that question before, now I am.

  12. Oh my gosh, 8 down sounds so good!!!! I’ve been obsessed with the A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series and that sounds like it needs to be added to my TBR!!

  13. Fascinating how author minds work! No, I have never contemplated the different ways to kill people through a computer or any other way. Keep on imagining those great storis!

  14. I have never thought of computer deaths on my own, but have read a couple of books with that interesting concept.

  15. I have never even considered someone could be killed via the internet. Your book sounds so interesting. Can’t wait to read it.

  16. I have read your books in the Daughter’s of the Mayflower series, but haven’t read any of your newer suspense. Wow! They look amazing! I am noting them on my TBR list and look forward to reading them in the future!

  17. I have honestly never thoughts of ways to be killed via computer. But now that I NEED to think about it…. (o:

  18. No, I never thought about how many ways someone could be killed by a computer. 🤔 A robot is a computer, right?! 😂

  19. I never really thought about it until now but I guess there could be many ways to do it. This book sounds interesting and I’m adding it to my list.

  20. Three ways to die via computer immediately spring to mind. Bashed over the head, electrocuted, and strangled with the cord. None of those are digital, though!

  21. I have never thought about that but I’m sure this book is amazing. I love your Secrets of the Canyon Series.

  22. I like using the crossword puzzles as clues, that sounds very intriguing and I’m definitely adding this to my TBR list.

  23. My SIL is a cybersecurity guy, too! We are so thankful for him for many reasons and his technology skills are an added bonus!

  24. I am usually not one for suspense, but this sounds absolutely amazing. I love the feeling of not being able to put a book down!!

  25. I read a lot. I mean, I am a bit obsessive with my reading. I have read about ways someone could kill another person via a computer. If you watch the news, you see daily stories of the impact of the apps or the gaming activities people are involved in. We have generations of young people who have grown up with “killing games,” they have played them for so long that I think they sometimes blur them into their real lives. They are the tech-savvy generations and know about the dark web, where you can find anyone you need for an underhanded task and anything you need to carry out that task.

  26. Love your books. With cyberspace it is scary, but I know God is bigger than cyberspace and he takes care of those who love him.

  27. You asked a question via Rafflecopter – Ever thought about how many different ways someone could be killed via computer? – I really haven’t but your question is making my mind whirl with the answer(s). I saw a movie once in which a programmer, who wanted to get revenge on someone, sent a virus to the person’s computer with a program that would overheat and eventually explode the computer. In the movie it worked! I know the killer was eventually caught but I can’t remember how.

  28. Okay, this sounds totally creepy but also amazing. You’re right, I don’t want to know how many ways someone can kill using technology. Eek. Congratulations on the new release!

  29. Congratulations on writing forty novels, Kimberly! That’s quite an accomplishment.

    And, no, believe it or not, I’ve never thought about how many ways a person could be killed via a computer. LOL

  30. Wow, this is a scary thought! I’m looking forward to reading this book. I’ve met you at a few reader-author events, you are a delight!

  31. I never have, but after reading a lot of suspense and thrillers lately it’s something I’ve been thinking about lately.

  32. No, but now that you’ve mentioned it, I’ll be thinking about it every time I turn mine on! Sounds like a good book.

  33. This might be the influence of all the murder mystery story I’ve watched and read but yes, I have thought about it. Death by electrocution via computer is one way.

  34. No, I’ve never thought about how many ways a person could be killed via computer. I really enjoyed your Harvey House books set at the Grand Canyon.

  35. I can’t say that I’ve ever sat and thought about ways to kill someone with a computer, but I’m sure the theme has come up in movies I have watched before. I can’t wait to read your books.

  36. I have in terms of using drone strikes. I find the ethical concerns regarding this type of warfare troublesome. I enjoyed 26 Below and am looking forward to reading 8 Down. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  37. On a regular basis, no, I do not think about it…but now that you’ve planted the idea…wait, is this one of the ways you are luring me to my death? Oh my!

  38. I’ve never thought about ways a computer could kill someone. However, with VR and people hooked up directly to a computer, I would think ‘fight or flight’ could come into play ie adrenaline induced scenarios.

  39. Oh goodness, this is a scary thought these days. But yes, my husband (who has a computer programming degree) and I have talked about this several times! Specifically how easy it is to take over a vehicle!

  40. I have never thought about how many ways someone could be killed by computer, or even that they could be killed by one!

  41. In answer to your question, that’s a big no for me….lol!

    I’ve enjoyed many of your historical novels but have yet to discover your suspense ones like this. Eight Down sounds exciting!!

    Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt Kimberley.

  42. 8 Down sounds like such an interesting read!

    And no, I haven’t really thought about all the ways technology could be used to kill someone—though I did just read a novel where the villain hacked someone’s car computer and took control of their vehicle. Scary!

  43. I read something a while back about development of a gaming headpiece that would kill you in real life if you died in the game. I promise this idea did not come from my brain. Ick.

  44. I can’t wait to read this book! Your books are so full of thrills and surprises. Thank you for sharing your talent with us all!

  45. I have never thought of it! But I watched that movie Untraceable with Diane Lane years ago and it definitely stuck with me on the extent technology can be used against you!

  46. I like the name of your investigator! 😉 I had never considered death by computer, but the premise of this novel is so intriguing!

  47. I’m going to have to add your books to my TBR pile. They sound right up my alley! I love suspense/mystery and I definitely love a good crossword puzzle now and then! I hadn’t thought about a computer killing someone, although I have seen it done in a couple of movies. I definitely look forward to trying out your books.

  48. My family and I have talked about how technology has become such a negative thing and how it seems to be hurting people more than helping however, I have never considered how many ways computers could kill someone. That is a scary thought!

  49. I’m literal so when I picture someone being killed by a computer, I picture electrocution or someone throwing one of those old monitors at someone. (If you’ve never carried one of those old 19” monitors, it would create quite a wallop if someone actually managed to throw it at you.) Now I’m curious about the methods your son-in-law came up with.

  50. You know, with the older computers that were really crazy heavy yes but no the newer ones.. That’s actually quite terrifying since my job is all on computer.

  51. Not really unless you consider arranging someone else to unalive someone via computer. It’s an interesting thought that I will spend far too much time think about today…

  52. I never have, not literally. I suppose I’ve thought more about someone being affected by what they see on computers that may drive them to hurt themselves or others.

  53. I never thought about how a person could be killed by computer but I am sure that authors know how to do that well!

  54. Ooh, this sounds intriguing! I’ve just added book 1 to my to-read list in the Libby app and look forward to getting to book 2!

  55. Kimberley, thanks for putting the thought of killer computers into my mind! I might just have to explore such a thing for my own stories… (And I just added this pair of books to my wish list. They sound so good!)

  56. No, I haven’t. Maybe someone could be electrocuted, especially if their laptop was plugged in and fell into the bathtub.

  57. Actually I have, my mom’s a cop, and we all have smartphones AKA handheld computers…it’s a thought provoking question for sure!

    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all 🍀

  58. No, I haven’t. I watch the ID channel and my brother says we should know how to get away with murder. Haha

  59. I read the previous book in this series and look forward to this one. It’s certainly interesting to read a book set in my own town, imagining the things happening just around the corner. 🙂

  60. Thanks for being in the Scavenger Hunt. I look forward to these every year 🙂 Looking forward to checking out your books too.

  61. I’ve got to check this out for my brother! He’s a fan of cyber/cyberpunk-intrigue-tech-mystery type stuff and has a hard time finding good stories like that. Can’t wait to try it out!

  62. I have definitely not thought about that – but it does give me some ideas for future sci-fi novels for sure. And I am very intrigued by the concept!

  63. I have never thought about it, but with all the new AI stuff currently happening, almost nothing would surprise me these days. 😅🤦🏼‍♀️

  64. No, I haven’t! I have thought about how the Internet or technology could be a useful tool in the wrong hands, though.

  65. I never gave it much thought, but some people have taken their own lives from Cyber Bullies or accusations.

  66. I have never thought of this, but considering how much information is on the computer, it’s probably astronomical in number the many ways stuff can be done!

  67. Now that you mention it…..The only thing that came to mind initially was using a computer to hire a hit man. And then I thought about a desktop falling out a window and hitting someone in the head.

  68. No, I have never about how many ways someone could die via computer. I’m sure I’ll learn some from your story, though!

  69. Only when it pops up in plots elsewhere, like via controlling a heart monitor or car systems or something. Never on my own!

  70. Hmmmm, only in relation to the number of creepy people and scams that occur…without being too paranoid… 😬

  71. No, though I have a deep brain stimulator implant that is run by an app on my docs iPad…so I must admit I’ve often wondered what could happen should someone else be able to use that.

  72. No! I don’t want to know! 😳

    But what I do know is that your books contain some of the very BEST faith content!

    God bless you, Kimberley!

  73. I have enjoyed reading some of your work and appreciate your being a part of this scavenger hunt that allows us all to have fun!

  74. No I haven’t thought about ways someone could be killed by computer but people commit murder everyday, so sad!

  75. Your novel sounds like one I’d enjoy, Kimberley. Thanks for participating in this promotion and for writing with a Christian viewpoint.

  76. I really don’t, but I think it’s because it’s too scary to think about. I watched CSI: Cyber, and it makes it crazy how much can be done with technology. However, I do enjoy reading and watching mysteries. I am pretty good at solving them.

  77. No, I have never thought about how many ways you could be killed by a computer. That is a little disturbing to think about, but highly plausible, I suppose.

  78. No, I can’t say that I have! Although I did hear about a game headset that someone was working on where if you died in the game, it was lights out for you too…yikes!!

  79. I have not thought about ways to die by computer. But I enjoy crosswords and think it’s so fun you’ve got them in the book to solve!

  80. Oh my goodness! It’s crazy to think about, but computers rule our lives now, so it could totally happen. Makes you want to live completely off the grid. Cringe.

  81. No, I’ve never thought about ways to die by computer, although I’m sure there are plenty, especially if computers are controlling electricity, cars, etc.

    I’m really looking forward to reading 8 Down, because I absolutely loved 26 Below (the book, not the temperature)! I’ve lived in Fairbanks for years, so it was fun to read a book set in my town, written by someone who knows Alaska. Keep the Alaska books coming!

    1. Post
  82. Wow. I hadn’t heard of any of your work before this scavenger hunt and I cannot wait to start reading! I love suspense novels and have been trying to find new clean/Christian ones!

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